Blepharoplasty - Transconjunctival Lower

Primary goal: Removal of bulging fat
Secondary goals: Fat transfer to hollowed areas
Special anatomy
The "conjunctiva" is the thin clear membrane of tissue that lines the back of the eyelid and ...
Blepharoplasty - Upper Eyelid

Primary goal: Removal of excess skin and fat to improve the appearance
Secondary goals: Enhancement of eyelid crease, lift of drooping eyelashes, increase in peripheral vision
Most ...
Bradycardia after SAB

Some people mistakenly call this reaction a Bainbridge reflex. That is not correct.
Miller’s Anesthesia 7th Ed.p.1616
The heart rate during a high neuraxial block typically decreases due to the ...
Brain Aneurysm - Basics

Being diagnosed with a brain aneurysm is frightening.
Having survived a ruptured aneurysm is a challenging experience to have gone through and can be highly unsettling. Gathering information ...
Cheilectomy Overview

A cheilectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a bony lump (made up of bone spurs) on the top of the big toe's main joint.
Bone spurs are almost always caused by degenerative arthritis of the ...
Diabetes (basics)

Multi-system disease severity related to blood sugar control
2% prevalence
Absence of insulin: type I
Older patients with some insulin (obese): type II. Usually treated with oral ...
Endovascular Embolization or Coiling

Endovascular treatment of aneurysms is a relatively new phenomenon originating in the 1960s.
Dr. Guido Guglielmi, an Italian doctor, and several other researchers were the visionaries behind the ...
Extra-capsular Cataract Extraction

Extra-capsular cataract extraction is a method for surgically removing a cataract, a clouding of the eye's naturally clear lens.
A cloudy lens interferes with light passing through to the retina ...
Eye Treatment Modalities

Cryotherapy involves the application of a freezing probe to the outside of the eye, which transmits the freezing temperature to the retina because of the thin nature of the eye wall ...
GDC Coiling - Endosaccular Coiling of Cerebral Aneurysms

Intracranial aneurysms constitute a significant public health problem in the United States.
Spontaneous rupture of cerebral aneurysms typically results in subarachnoid hemorrhage and affects ...
Gout (basic)

What is gout?
Gout refers to joint pain and inflammation associated with the accumulation of crystalline uric acid in the body.
With proper treatment, gout is manageable.
Without treatment ...
Hemangioma Overview

Approximately thirty percent of all hemangiomas are visible at birth.
The remaining seventy percent become visible within one to four weeks after birth. Hemangiomas occur 5 times more often in ...
Hydrocele Overview

A hydrocele is a collection of serous fluid that results from a defect or irritation in the tunica vaginalis of the scrotum.
Hydroceles also may arise in the spermatic cord or the ...
Hypertension (basic)

Hypertension is defined as a series of blood pressure measurements revealing pressures greater than 160/100
Expected increases with age as the arteries become stiffer
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and the Staged Norwood Procedure

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) refers to a constellation of congenital cardiac anomalies characterized by marked hypoplasia or absence of the left ventricle and severe hypoplasia of the ...
Hypospadias Overview

Related concepts:
Coronal hypospadias, Glanular hypospadias, Megameatal hypospadias, Midpenile hypospadias, Penoscrotal hypospadias, Perianal hypospadias Scrotal hypospadias, Subcoronal ...
Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication

This operation corrects acid reflux.
Although heartburn is the most common symptom, other symptoms, such as regurgitation, choking, and chest pain, can also occur. Patients who suffer severe ...
Liver Disease - Overview

Liver disease is a high-risk group for anesthesia
Classification system to assess risk
Prothrombin time
An unbound ...
Liver Disease - Perioperative Management of the Patient

The number of patients with cirrhosis who require surgery is on the rise.
Despite advances in antiviral therapeutics, the prevalence of cirrhosis secondary to hepatitis C continues to ...
Malignant Hyperthermia

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is an inherited myopathy characterized by a hypermetabolic state that is triggered when the patient is exposed to some anesthetic agents.
Classic MH most ...
Pituitary Tumors

I. General Questions About a Pituitary Tumor
1. What causes a pituitary tumor to develop?
Pituitary tumors are common. In autopsy studies of patients who did not have known pituitary disease, as ...
Poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis)

Poliomyelitis has been eradicated from nearly every country since the approval of the Salk (1955) and Sabin (1962) vaccines.
In 1997, 5,185 polio cases were reported worldwide; in 1998, 5,867 ...
Poliomyelitis and the Epidemics

Poliomyelitis, a neuromuscular disease also known as infantile paralysis, is caused by the poliovirus, which has three types.
Infection occurs by fecal/oral contamination. The virus replicates in ...
Poliomyelitis Patients - Anesthesia Issues

by Selma H. Calmes, M.D.
This article was presented by Dr. Calmes at the Eighth International Post-Polio and Independent Living Conference sponsored by G.I.N.I. and held in St. Louis, Missouri, on ...
Prune Belly (Eagle-Barrett) Syndrome (Short version)

What is Prune Belly syndrome?
Prune Belly syndrome, or Eagle-Barrett or triad syndrome, is a distinctive set of physical problems a child is born with.
These problems are:
- The abdominal ...
Prune Belly (Long version)

In 1839, Frölich first described prune belly syndrome (PBS), and Osler gave the condition its name.
Prune belly syndrome is also called Eagle-Barrett syndrome and triad syndrome.
The treatment ...
Prune Belly Syndrome and Urology

Management of the child with prune belly syndrome (PBS) has posed a significant amount of trouble to the pediatric urologist.
Some authors have called for conservative management of the urinary ...
Radical Prostatectomy (Robotic-Assisted)

1. Introduction
Over the last decade, robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) has become a commonly used surgical procedure for the treatment of prostate cancer (PCa) (35,41).
Nowadays, it ...
Radical Prostatectomy Surgery

Radical prostatectomy implies the complete removal of the prostate gland along with the pelvic lymph nodes.
Radical prostatectomy surgery may be performed by either a retropubic or perineal ...
Renal Failure Patients

The etiology of renal failure is essential, plus associated medical conditions
Effect on drug handling
- Protein-bound drugs have increased free fractions due to acidosis and hypoalbuminemia in ...
Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease – Quick overview

In rheumatoid arthritis, there is involvement of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
C-spine fixed/subluxed and, therefore, can be unstable
Cricoarytenoid involvement should be suspected if a ...
Salpingo Oophorectomy Surgery

The surgical removal of a fallopian tube and an ovary.
This surgery is performed to treat ovarian or other gynecological cancers or infections as a result of pelvic ...
Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle cell disease is hemoglobinopathy with autosomal dominant inheritance. The beta chain of Hgb-A has Valine substituted for glutamine at position 6.
In the homozygote ...
Spinal Fusion Surgery

From the North American Spine Society (NASS) website
What is Spinal Fusion
The spine comprises a series of bones called "vertebrae"; between each vertebra are strong connective tissues, which ...
The Stiff Big Toe Joint (Hallux Rigidus)

The big toe joint movement occurs typically in an up-and-down plane (dorsiflexion and plantar flexion).
The normal dorsiflexion is approximately 75 degrees, and plantar flexion is 25 degrees ...
Trigger Finger

Stenosing tenosynovitis, commonly known as trigger finger or trigger thumb, involves the pulleys and tendons in the hand that bend the fingers
(see pictures below). The tendons work like long ...

Vitrectomy is a microsurgical procedure in which specialized instruments and techniques repair retinal disorders, many previously considered inoperable.
The initial step in this procedure is ...