This is the missing manual for the AANA Core Modules 2018 edition. Be aware that AANA no longer gives CE credits for this edition, although this Missing Stormsnotes still contains lots of great information.
There are several vendors selling Core Modules, although only AANA offers all four; everybody else currently only sells some of the modules. Members and Associate Members can receive the special Member and Associate Member standard discount of 30%. If a Member or Association Member adds all four CPC Core Modules to their cart, they receive a one-time-only bundled price at checkout of $299. This is $17.60/CEU. Core Module credits cross-count as Class A credits, as they are both prior approved and include an assessment.
So, why should you consider investing time and money in the Core Modules? NBCRNA mentions that the Core Modules provide a means for nurse anesthetists to stay informed about current literature and evidence-based knowledge. Each module is linked with the content outline of the CPC Assessment (the CPC exam that is coming) and includes a formal assessment, such as multiple-choice questions. Therefore, the modules are meant to help CRNAs prepare for the CPC exam to be taken every 8 years.
The modules cover four main areas where we all need to be proficient while doing anesthesia:
- Module 1: Airway Management Technique (two parts)
- Module 2: Applied Clinical Pharmacology (two parts)
- Module 3: Human Physiology and Pathophysiology (eight parts)
- Module 4: Anesthesia Equipment and Technology (two parts)
Each of the four modules has multiple parts, and you can only access the post-test after watching all parts in a module. The post-test must be passed to receive CEU credit. You are allowed TWO attempts to pass the CPC Core Modules post-tests. If you fail both attempts, you will not receive any CEU credits for that module, but you will have to repurchase the module(s) and try again.
With the time constraints, most CRNAs have (eg, work, family, cooking, cleaning, etc.), watching each module may not be possible in a single setting. Well, honestly, we think most will have to divide the watching over several days or even weeks. Having just completed all four Core Modules ourselves, we realized that passing the post-test required significant note-taking while watching the presentations. Without our notes, we would have been fairly lost when we finally got around to taking the post-test.
Per the CPC Core Modules requirements, you will need to watch/click on every module’s slides before the post-test becomes available. There is no fast-forwarding when watching the presentations. The post-test will not launch until you have watched the presentation in its entirety. A score of 80% is required to pass the exam in each module.
Enter The missing StormsNotes by Storm Anesthesia
Based on the above, we have created The Missing StormsNotes for AANA Core Modules 2018. These notes extensively cover all four Core Modules, color pictures where we felt they were needed, and several areas where we have expanded a little of the presentation to further clarify a concept. These notes are completely indexed, so you can quickly look up words and concepts and find the exact page where it is written. We believe these notes can be a tremendous time-saver in your studies. Not only do you not have to take all the notes yourself, you can just add along the way when you think it is necessary, but also, you will have these notes as an easy reference after you have finished the Core Modules. This will allow you to utilize this material when you prepare for the CPC exam. After all, NBCRNA states on its website that the Core Modules are linked to the content outline for the CPC exam. There is a lot of great information in the Core Modules.
You can download a secure PDF file and print it on your own printer: The price is only $20.00